Saturday, September 27, 2008

First Colts Game

Well folks, I'd like to say this game resulted in a win, but by now, you all know that's not true. We had such a great time tailgating and the atmosphere was so fun and upbeat. It was hard to walk away in defeat. The day was completely gorgeous and it was also Jeff's birthday! I was sure we were going to be victorious. Addison was staying at my friend Tysh's and I was very nervous about her sleeping. She doesn't typically sleep unless she's at home and I knew it was going to be a late night. However, I discovered Tysh has the magic touch and Addison slept soundly until we arrived around 1 a.m. Thank goodness! (and thank you Tysh!)

The size of the flag always wows me..
I just love this window! The city skyline is absolutely gorgeous.

Everyone was so excited on their way into the game. Too bad it didn't last...

Okay, so I was probably the only person excited about Johnny Mathis singing the national anthem (in our section anyway!). But I grew up listening to him on our family's favorite Christmas albums so it was a big thrill for me!
Tony and Stacie during our highly competitive game of corn hole. Who won? I honestly don't remember...
Sabrina hanging out with all the food. Tony just being Tony...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Cookout

We had lots of fun over the Labor Day holiday. Saturday, we went downtown for the fireworks. We waited a little late to head down and had quite the wait at Taco Bell/KFC, but we made it! What's Labor Day without a cookout, right? On Monday we journeyed over to the Bradley's and had a yummy feast! I should have taken a picture of the size of the burgers...seriously. And Doug had delicious key lime pie from McAlisters for dessert. The kids loved playing in the pool and the grown-ups enjoyed a game of corn hole. Doesn't get much better than that!

Addison really wanted Cole's milk. I think she got some too...
WHEE!!!!!!!!! Daddy helps Mia down the slide.
The bathing beauties
Cole crawling through his tunnel. Isn't he a cutie?

Fun at the Pool

We've been to visit Liz at her neighborhood pool twice in the last two weeks. Addison LOVES LOVES LOVES the water! She loved playing with Emily and found her to be very amusing. In the beginning, she was content to just chill out in the float. Soon though, she was trying to dive over the side! She definitely kept me on my toes and I can already imagine the fun we'll have next summer.

Playdate with Mia

Last week, I had the pleasure of watching Mia while her mommy went to a hair appointment. Mia is only three months older than Addison and it's exciting for me to watch her and anticipate what Addison will soon be doing. The girls had a great time together! They played and played and got themselves all tuckered out for naptime. Come back soon, Mia!