Friday, October 3, 2008

Floor Fun

Addison is loving her new blocks from Discovery Toys. They are grooved and fit together easily. They also have a fun rattle sound which adds to their appeal. She digs in the pail all day- getting them out, putting them back, getting them out, well you get the point!

I'll build something with them and then Addison picks the block she wants and goes for it. Then they all fall down, which she thinks is pretty funny.
Now Addison is in pick-up mode. Look at her go after this green block! She's on a mission.
See how nicely she put the block in the pail?
Addison wants to make sure you don't miss the block she just added to the stack. She's so proud!
Okay, dump 'em out! It's time to start the game over.
These are just some other pictures I thought were cute.
That video camera looks awfully tempting! That's probably not a very good place for it.

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