Monday, December 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

Our family joined the Klein's and the Bradley's for Halloween this year. Addison didn't really know what was going on but she seemed to enjoy the stroller ride. And I can assure you that mommy and daddy enjoyed picking out yummy candy! It was a little embarassing, I'll admit, because it was obvious Addison wasn't going to be eating a Twix or Hershey's bar. It was a tough job but someone had to do it! The things we do for our children.

Meow! Addison was a very cute cat for her first Halloween. Last year doesn't count because we hid in the house and didn't answer the door. It's true.
Mia and Cole are so cute together. They just might get married one day. And we have pictures of how their love started. Awww.....
Tysh and Mia as Mia tries to bolt off. She wants more candy, mom!
Erin and Cole in a cute pose. Erin was the only one of us grown-ups who dressed up. She gets the spirit award!

The three kiddos together. Aren't they adorable?

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