Saturday, December 20, 2008

She's finally walking!

This kiddo didn't seem to be in any hurry to start walking. She had been taking a few steps here and there starting in November at about 13.5 months. This was about the same time I started walking so I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised. Then lo and behold, she really took off on Thanksgiving Day when we were in Tennessee. I was so glad that my parents could see this milestone! She walked back and forth, from room to room, around the island, and just had a ball. These pictures were taken when we were back home and Jordan was in on the fun. It's a bittersweet moment because while I enjoy her independence, she is becoming just that - more independent from mommy and daddy. I love that Addison still wants to be held and carried and I still eat it up. All too soon I won't be able to pick her up and cradle her in my arms. So I make sure to do it often these days!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Oh, it's a whole different ball game now! :-)