We went to the Children's Museum Thursday with our friends from StrollerFit. We haven't been since August and there's been a big change in what Addison can do there now. She enjoyed the Playscape area and it was her first adventure with sand. I was afraid she'd try to eat it but she really just seemed to like the texture. We loved the slide and the carousel and can't wait to go back again.
Aww...sooo cute!!!
Woo-hoo! Holy blog updates, Batman! :) But seriously...she is growing up so fast and looking so darn cute. What a blessing, Shan!
...am I your first official "follower"? :)
She couldn't be any cuter!! Merry Christmas to you sweetheart! Did you take Addison to see Santa?? I would love to see pictures from that!
I know you aren't excited for January 5th to get here, but I am looking forward to seeing your beautiful face again every day!
hi there a reader of courtneys blog and saw your had to say hi your daughter is beautiful i so love the santa clips i have the same pics two my 2 year old was not found of the man in that red suite first pic she was tugging his beard off second shewas ballling , and scard i could not put her down . big hit. lol i sure like to follow and come back if that is ok with you. i'm michelle by teh way please stop by my blog and say hi leave a comment and follow me to if you like i love meeting new friends. have a blesed day michelle
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